Digipithecus Erectus This is the first cyborg humanoid that stood erect as well as the earliest known ancestor of Homo Digitus. Modeled after a skull excavated at the New Jersey Industrial Badlands, this 3 dimensional study presents an accurate representation of the creature’s illusive ability to appear intelligent by simply wearing technical war paint. Materials: The relief is folded from a single sheet of black paper hand printed with a gold circuit pattern and framed in a 10”X12”X3” customized plexiglass enclosure.
Homo Robotus Once thought of as a cyborg species from the future, this 8 bit being, mostly machine, went extinct when its clock chip hit the year 2000. Its lack of heart makes it a close cousin to the Tin Man. Materials: Constructed out of foil, paper and mylar, and framed in a 10”X12”X3.5” customized plexiglass enclosure.
Homo Digitus Homo Digitus is an organic cyborg developed through a modification of the human genome and nano technology. Equipped with a high band width internet connection to others of its kind, it has a tendency to encrypt its speech and thus has a hard time telling a joke. Materials: Constructed out of foil, and paper, and framed in a 10”X12”X3.5” customized plexiglass enclosure.
Private Collection
1985 |